So I live in downtown Waukesha. Right outside my window is the Fox River. The little riverwalk is there and all that. It would be really enjoyable, if it weren’t horribly overrun with spiders. If you go out for a walk at night along the river, it would be impossible to count all of them. There are easily tens of thousands. In my window (on the outside) there are a good 10-20 of them. They range from the size of a pinhead to the size of a quarter. My girlfriend is terrified of them. If we leave the blinds open they make some rather menacing shadows on the wall/ceiling. Thankfully, there have not been any inside out place. I emailed the city of Waukesha about the infestation, as a block away the river is virtually bug free. I received a reply saying they have tried, but the pollution issue is obviously a concern. They randomly sweep the guardrails and walkways to clear the webs, but they return within a day. I’ve never had too much of a problem with spiders, but it is getting fairly disgusting. There’s one good thing about winter, they all die.
8 Legged Freaks