Dear Apple: I hate IOS4

I have a 3G and 6 months left on my contract. I upgraded to IOS4 and now my phone is unusable. Maps? Takes forever to load, crashes frequently. SMS? Same. iCal? Ditto. Not even going to get into 3rd party apps. Now I have a choice between paying double for a new phone during the contract period or spending 6 months with a crap phone. I had the same problem 10 year back when Apple shoved OSX out earlier than they should’ve. The difference then? I could go back to OS9. Today? I’m pretty much stuck. Thank, Apple.






3 responses to “Dear Apple: I hate IOS4”

  1. Alex Avatar

    I feel exactly the same… My iPhone got stolen the day i updated to iOS4…

    I’m pretty sure they knew it didn’t work (didn’t work *well* seemed like a euphemism here) for the iPhone 3G, so why did they allow iOS4 to be installed on the 3G? They are very good at preventing stuff to work on the iPhone, i’m pretty sure denying installation of the new os would have been a breeze…

    1. Jay Ratkowski Avatar
      Jay Ratkowski

      They even limited some of the processor/memory-intensive features like multitasking. I wonder if they assumed it would be worse from a PR standpoint to deny iOS4 than to allow it but make it a miserable experience.

  2. Scarlett Avatar

    I agree 100% I upgraded to the new firmware and ever since my phone is HORRIBLE. It lags and freezes and boots me out of certain apps when I am trying to use them. I don’t want to try jailbreaking my phone to downgrade to the older firmware since it will void my warranty…but I JUST got this phone…will I seriously have to be stuck with this piece of junk for almost 2 years? Not liking Apple right now…