YouTube Promoted Video Hits a Milestone

YouTube recently served it’s 500,000,000th promoted video view! That’s an incredible number.  First of all, it helps further legitimize the new(ish) ad medium, and second, it should be a wakeup call for anyone not aware of the power of YouTube.

Many have already seen the famous Dynomighty Magnetic Bracelet videos on YouTube, but in case, I’ve got the original one below.  This incredibly simple spot turned out to be brilliant marketing.  Anyone with an iPhone or cheap camcorder could make something like this, slickly showing off a product in a no-frills fashion with some blatant website pimping scattered about.  It’s compelling, it’s simple, it drives a TON of traffic.

The point of all this?  You don’t need to have a movie studio and professional equipment to do video advertising.  Brainstorm, come up with something you can easily execute and get it out there.  Don’t try to be too clever, just let the personality of your brand speak for itself and put your company at the forefront.  You never know what might come out of the efforts.



