
My PS2 died tonight. It had to happen eventually I suppose, it was the 1st generation… one of the originals. It started to freeze up on me a good year ago. Lately it would freeze and not recognize games when inserted until several reboots occurred. This time around, it just wouldn’t read anything. I’m guessing the lens is screwed up or something… but it doesn’t matter. Now I have to buy a new one. That means time with no Madden. I think I am going to kill somebody. This is how school shootings happen.

Hmm… too far with that one?

Either way, I’m upset. I’ve got the stupid unit sitting on the table here, I keep wanting to give it just one more chance. I’ve gotta toss it out fast. I don’t know how people stuff their pets. If I had a dead dog sitting in my living room, I’d be throwing a tennis ball all day long, just hoping he’d go fetch it one last time. That’s sad stuff.



