Category: Hate-Love
Reminder… Don’t Quit a Service You’re Happy With Unless You’re Ready to be Unhappy
A short story about crappy customer service and persistence. We had Dish for our home TV service. As far as pay TV providers go, Dish is a good company, in my opinion. Helpful/responsive customer service, competitive or even industry-leading feature offering, reliable, etc. But expensive once you get past the new customer discounts. On a…
Club W: Oversimplified Recommendation Engines
The secret to advertising a product is to make lives better or easier. Or do the same thing cheaper. So when it comes to selling wine, Club W takes the approach of making it easier to pick out a wine you like. Their concept is pretty simple. They ask you a handful of questions about…
Finding a Place to Live When You Hate Everything
I’m always interested in the idea of moving somewhere else. Milwaukee has little to offer to even the biggest optimist[1. Beyond cold weather and murder], so that is part of it. But I also like the idea of finding a place that really balances fun and comfort. Not too much day-to-day stress but also an…
Email Marketing Laziness Rocks
Because the marketing efforts by Musicians Friend & Guitar Center are so lazy, I’m going to follow their lead and not bother writing more than 50 words in this post. I’ve gotten more than one of these emails… Yes, some high paid manager decided it was worth sending this twice. Idiots.
What If We Just Slowed Down?
In the early days of the internet, it was all about accessibility. You could find up to date information on all sorts of topics. You could join newsgroups and constantly learn more about your favorite subjects without waiting for books to be published. Then things got bigger. Lots bigger. And then we had twitter and…
Apartment life is miserable, ending
I’ve lived in apartments/rentals the vast majority of my life. I’ve played an instrument for about 15 years, and about 85-90% of that time coincided with the rental life. I cannot express properly how miserable that is for anyone claiming to be a musician. Sure, there are countless people who play an instrument in an…
Another project??? I are moron
In the words of the poet B. Spears, “oops, I did it again.” Sorry, that was an embarrassing way to start this. So I had a Fender Champ 600. I did not like the sound of a 6″ speaker. I had a 12″ combo cab I wasn’t using. See where this is going? 5W tube…
Wade Michael Page owned his gun(s) legally But but but, I thought the NRA always said “More guns = less crime”????
Things I Missed: Stonefly
Stonefly is a hip little bar that makes their own beer and has live music. Nothing special. Their brunch, however, is something special.