Category: Uncategorized
Just for my buddy G.E.
There’s a new car in the driveway! Not mine, the woman got an ’08 Focus SES in classic Ford black. Bring on the $5/gallon gas!
Papa in the booth for NFL Network – Gumbel Gone
The NFL Network has wisely chosen to dump Bryant Gumbel as their play-by-play guy, replacing him with Bob Papa of NY Giants radio and Sirius NFL Radio fame. Ditching the lifeless Gumbel could not have come soon enough, the man seems more suited to do work at a 12 and under mini-golf tournement, not be…
Bike Ride
The lady and I got some inexpensive mountain bikes recently and have started riding again for the first time in ages. It’s great fun, but it’s sad how we thought we were in decent shape before doing this. We live in a pretty hilly area, so every time we go out riding there is a…
So we’re not quite moved in… but we are functional at the new place. We got my office painted last night (we’ve given up on painting, but found Kathi’s brother-in-law is good at it and doesn’t mind doing it, so he did our bedroom and office). I still have to unpack my office, which has…
So I’m making it a point to actually start finishing some of the projects I’ve had in progress for several years now. Enough screwing around and delaying things, it’s time to get stuff done! I’m taking this weekend to get moving on some things. First up to bat was an easy one, finishing the headstock…
Looking for a new TV provider
Well, we are going to be hitting our 3rd television provider this year. It looks like DirectTV is going to be the winner. UVerse hasn’t been able to fix our random DVR problems and we have lost interest with giving them extra chances. When we move in a month, the plan should be t make…
UVerse has been frustrating lately….
So I’ve had problems since getting AT&T UVerse installed. However, it seems lately those problems have really added up. Here’s the rundown of issues: – Set series recordings to “once per day” and “first-run only” only to find 5 showings per day record, all of them being re-runs. DVR actually is reverting the settings back…
I just wanted to post this in hopes of it actually turning out to be imaginary. I mean, yesterday morning I left for work and it was in the upper 30’s and getting warmer. Get home from dinner last night and winds are gusting over 60mph and the temps are dropping 10 degrees in an…
U-Verse – More
Yeah, I still owe a full write-up, but there just isn’t time with the holiday madness. I will do what I can for now, though. Install: Took about 5 hours. Installer was friendly and seemed to know his stuff pretty well (ie – he had a good handle on the technology he was installing, not…
Christmas time is here!
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Christmas time is here!, originally uploaded by jemdnaman. Yes, that is the Little Caesar’s guy as the star.